
1) 小二及小三設有中文課堂抽離教學:對象包括非華語學生,主要以廣東話授課,進行課程及功課調適,讓非華語學生盡快融入中文語境學習。

2) 課後中文班:分高、低程度兩組進行,提升非華語學生中文能力。

3) 功課輔導班:由校外機構於課後進行。

4) 中文寫作課:安排教學助理入班協作。


Supporting Non-Chinese Speaking Students to Learn Chinese

  1.  P.2 and P.3 pull-out classes:mainly serve non-Chinese speaking students; medium of instruction is Cantonese; curriculum and homework are tailored to help non-Chinese speaking students fit in with the Chinese language environment as soon as possible
  2.  After-school Chinese class: a fundamental class and a advance class are conducted to enhance the Chinese proficiency of non-Chinese speaking students
  3.  After-school homework tutorial class: conducted by outside NGO
  4.  Chinese writing class: teaching assistants are present in the class to provide help


2023/24 學年 為非華語學生提供的教育支援 學校支援摘要


School Support Summary

地址: 新界葵涌石排街11號
Address: 11 Shek Pai Street, Kwai Chung, New Territories
電話: 24203186
傳真: 24841426
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